by Gina W. Ore | Nov 1, 2017 | Articles
Experts tell us that communication is 7% verbal and 93% non-verbal; of the non-verbal, 55% is body language and 38% is tone. In today’s world, there is a new category that contributes to communication… that is ‘Electronic Communication’. When it comes to ‘EC’, let...
by Gina W. Ore | Oct 1, 2017 | Articles
Most of us have known someone with cancer. Many of us have known someone who was diagnosed with cancer and in no time at all we were attending a memorial service. What people don’t always realize is that organizations can also get cancer. The cancer I am talking...
by Gina W. Ore | Sep 1, 2017 | Articles
It was the first – and the last – time I went to this doctor. When I walked in, not only did I feel like I was assaulted, I felt like I was doomed. All I wanted was an annual check-up, but when I approached the reception desk for my appointment, the tension was so...
by Gina W. Ore | Aug 25, 2017 | Articles
Have you ever been frustrated with your patients when they don’t follow your instructions or with your staff when they don’t do what you ask? Do your patients or staff ever look at you like they heard what you said, but do not have any idea what you meant? Jargon vs....
by Gina W. Ore | Aug 21, 2017 | Articles
Remember when the appropriate response to “thank you” was “you’re welcome”? This question prompted my friend Mike (who retired from successful careers as a police commander and as a judge) to share the following story. You or someone you know can probably relate to...
by Gina W. Ore | Aug 15, 2017 | Articles
Relationships are complicated – even under the best of conditions and circumstances. Factor into that the very challenging issues of navigating ones healthcare journey, and complicated is no longer an accurate description. If you are a physician, we invite you to...