by Gina W. Ore | Mar 10, 2019 | Articles
In the basics of any Passion for Patients™ workshop, we begin with a discussion of barriers to effective communication. One of those barriers is noise. For our purposes, the definition for noise that we like to use is: “Anything that causes the signal received to...
by Gina W. Ore | Feb 15, 2019 | Articles
THE EYES HAVE IT! (but not all of it) “Look at me when I talk to you!” “Look me in the eye and say that!” All or nearly all of us have either heard these statements, or have made them ourselves. In many cultures and in our culture in particular, lack of eye contact...
by Gina W. Ore | Mar 19, 2018 | Articles
In Spanish, the word “señor” can take on several different meanings; a man, a master or boss, a husband are just a few examples. The English language is more precise in the meanings and use of words. However, we have given away much of that precision through improper...
by Gina W. Ore | Mar 1, 2018 | Articles
You don’t even have to be a real Star Trek fan to remember that each episode began with the statement “Space—the final frontier”. If you think about it, space is also one of the original frontiers. People have always gotten in each other’s face….sometimes as a way to...
by Gina W. Ore | Jan 2, 2018 | Articles
Once there was a time when people took great care in what they wore when they went out. Men and women selected from their business wardrobe to dress for work. Candidates for elected office dressed in suits, ties, and up-scale attire. Airline passengers dressed up...
by Gina W. Ore | Dec 1, 2017 | Articles
Or is it AWKWARD? In today’s politically correct culture, many people are afraid to say things for fear of offending someone. Customers often find it much easier to complain about a defective product than to complain about substandard service—-because the...