Are You Struggling With These Issues?
Here’s HOW High Staff Turnover Disrupts Patient Flow and Impacts Your Profits!

Got complaining patients?
Passion for Patients International™ is an innovative consulting program that helps you:
- Have a front line reception team that will increase patient engagement so that you have a practice filled with satisfied patients.
- Enjoy the benefits of having a team with expertise in diffusing difficult situations so that unhappy patients become a worry of the past.
- Improve your team’s performance in connecting with patients and with each other and enhance the effective use of nonverbal communication.
Got frequent communication issues between staff and patients that get out of control and create conflict?
Passion for Patients International™ consulting program helps you:
- Entrust your team to quickly connect with patients in effective and impactful ways.
- In your clinic, create a higher level of Medical Etiquette, for every patient, every time that will facilitate reciprocal communication between patients and staff.
- Empower your staff to take a leadership role on your patients’ healing team.

Do patients fully understand what they’ve been advised to do, for appropriate follow up care?
Passion for Patients International™ helps your team:
- Develop a communication style that fully engages patient compliance.
- Facilitate your patients’ healing journey by building a health coaching team that includes courteous, dedicated, and empathetic staff.
- Learn to readily spot barriers to communication so clear and effective messaging is understood by staff and patients.
Passion for Patients International™…
- Provides the tools, skill set, and support needed to affect patient engagement.
- Galvanizes staff loyalty through team building, reciprocal respect and empowerment.
- Builds an environment of dedication to patient healing and an allegiance to best patient outcomes.
- Has worked with medical practices including plastic surgery, radiology, cardiology, urology, clinics associated with medical schools as well as first responders, and Senior Living Communities.
Take the first step to happier patients, happier staff and a happier you now. Get your Complimentary Consult by using the form below or call me at: 602-677-1614