What Is The Passion For Patients™ Consulting Program?
Everything You Have Been Taught About Patient Satisfaction is Wrong—Dead Wrong!
The truth is… the success of your practice or clinic depends entirely on the interpersonal communication skills between your staff, your patients and… you! It’s a known fact that medical patients rank the interaction with your business at the top of the hit list.
So when satisfaction scores drop it’s an indication to pay attention!
The core of the Passion for Patients International™ consulting program is communication. Your staff will receive innovative, thought-provoking training to help them:
- Discover effective interpersonal communication skills with other team members and patients
- Diffuse difficult situations that could result in costly claims
- Connect immediately and efficiently with patients and each other
Happy Staff —
Happy patients!
Happy Patients —
More Referrals!
More Referrals —
More Business!
Passion for Patients International™ is a customized, on-site and interactive consulting program that helps you and your staff discover simpler ways to create a higher level of Medical Etiquette, for every patient, every time.
The PforP Team has worked with medical practices including plastic surgery, radiology, cardiology, urology, clinics associated with medical schools as well as first responders, and Senior Living Communities.
If you’re ready to transition, claim your Complimentary Consult by using the form or call me at: 602-677-1614